
发布时间:2019-07-10 09:46:23文章来源: 浏览次数:





1.Zhang Yan,Wang Beibei, Qi Shuaizheng, Wang Zewei, Li Yixuan, Chen Siyuan, Li Bailian Zhang Jinfeng. Ploidy and hybridity effects on leaf size, cell size and related genes expression in triploids, diploids and their parents in Populus [J]. Planta, 2019, 249:635-646

2.Wan Beibei, Zhang Yan(共一), Zhao Jian, Dong Mingliang, Zhang Jinfeng. Heat-shock-induced removal of transgenes using the Gene-Deletor system in hybrid aspen (Populus tremula × P. tremuloides) . Genes, 2018, doi.org/10.3390/genes9100484

3. Zhang Yan, Wan Beibei, Guo Liqin, Xu Wenting, Wang Zewei, Li Bailian, Zhang Jinfeng. Factors influencing direct shoot regeneration from leaves, petioles, and plantlet roots of triploid hybrid Populus sect.Tacamahaca[J].Journal of Forestry Research, 2018 doi.org/10. 1007/ s11676 -017- 0559-4.

4. Zhang Yan, Wang Zewei, Qi Shuaizheng, Wang Xiaoqi, Zhao Jian, Zhang Jinfeng, Li Bailian, Zhang Yadong, Liu Xuezeng, Yuan Wei. In vitro tetraploid induction from leaf and petiole explants of hybrid sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua × Liquidambar formosana) [J]. Forests, 2017, 264(8) doi:10.3390 /f8X080264.

5. Xu Wenting , Guo Liqin, Zhang Yan, Zhao Jian, Wei Zunzheng, Jinfeng Zhang. An improved method for hightemperature induced embryo sac chromosome doubling in Populus simonii Carr. × P. nigra var. italic (Moench.) Kochne, an interspecific hybrid of Tacamahaca and Aigeiros poplars [J]. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9(551) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-37297-w

6. Guo Liqin, Xu Wenting, Zhang Yan, Zhang Jinfeng, Wei Zunzheng (2017) Inducing triploids and tetraploids with high temperatures in Populus sect. Tacamahaca [J]. Plant Cell Rep, 2017, 36: 313–326.

7. Zhao Jian, Wang Beibei, Wang Xiaoqi, Zhang Yan, Dong Mingliang, Zhang Jinfeng. iTRAQ - based comparative proteomic analysis of embryogenic and non-embryogenic tissues of Prince Rupprecht’s larch (Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr) [J]. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 2015, 120(2): 655–669.

8. 王蓓蓓,张炎,金博文,王泽伟,李亦轩,赵健,张金凤[J].正交实验优化农杆菌介导的白杨遗传转化体系.西南林业大学学报, 2018, 4: 14-21.

9. 王泽伟, 张炎, 齐帅征, 朱军杰, 袁玮, 张亚东, 刘学增, 张金凤. 杂种枫香组织培养再生研究[J] 北京林业大学学报,2018, 40(8): 42-49.

10. 王晓琪,胥明,赵健,张炎,周晨,刘学增,郭会芳,张金凤.北美枫香雄花和花序轴诱导体细胞胚胎发生[J]. 北京林业大学学报.2016,38(3): 32-37.

11. 范英明,张登荣,于大德,张炎,董明亮,张鸿景,张金凤.河北省华北落叶松天然群体遗传多样性分析[J]. 植物遗传资源学报.2014,15(3): 465-471.



